
There are 130,246 households with residents in Sandwell.  The average household size in Sandwell is 2.42, which slightly above the England & Wales average of 2.4.

  • 339,791 Sandwell residents live in households, whilst 2,041 live in communal establishments (managed residential establishments).

    In terms of household composition, in 2021, 38,042 households in Sandwell are made up of only one person.

  • There has been an increase of 2.0% in the number of married or civil partnership couple households since 2011, whilst there has been a large percentage increase in the number of cohabiting couple households (+15.8%).
  • The proportion of lone parent households (with dependent children) has increased from 9.0% in 2011 to 9.4% in 2021. Sandwell ranks 15th out of 331 Local Authorities on this indicator.
  • There has also been a large rise in the number of lone parents with non-dependent children (+31.4%), although these only account for 5.5% of all households.

    62.1 % of households in Sandwell are deprived in at least one dimension or measure of household deprivation (compared with 51.7% in England & Wales); this number has decreased since 2011, when it was 69.5%.

    Household change since 2011

    Since 2011, Sandwell overall has seen an increase of 7.2% in the number of households. According to the 2021 Census, the ward with the largest number of households is Soho & Victoria (6,277), whilst the smallest is Bristnall (4,765).

  • Only one ward has seen a fall in the number of households - Smethwick (-0.5%). This is despite the ward seeing an increase in population.
  • Six wards have seen an increase of more than 10% in the number of households since 2011. The rise is particularly high in Soho & Victoria, Wednesbury South, and Greets Green & Lyng (at 21.6%, 18.8% and 18.0% respectively).  Soho & Victoria also saw a large increase between 2001 & 2011.
  • Housing and Car Ownership

  • Across Sandwell, 80.8% (105,160) of households lived in a house or bungalow, 19.1% (25,000) lived in a flat, maisonette or apartment and 0.1% (90) lived in a caravan, or other mobile or temporary structure. This compares with 77.9%, 21.7% and 0.4% respectively in England & Wales.
  • In 2021, 54.2% (70,635) of households owned the accommodation they lived in, compared with 62.5% in England & Wales. 45.2% (58,850) rented their accommodation and 0.6% (760) of households lived rent free (this compares with 37.3% and 0.1% respectively in England & Wales).
  • 21.0% of Sandwell households rent their accommodation from the Local Authority, compared with 8.3% in England & Wales.
  • There has been an 18.1% increase in the number of households with fewer bedrooms than required – 7.4% (9,630) in 2021 compared with 6.7% (8,160) in 2011. Across England and Wales, this proportion had decreased slightly (4.3% in 2021 compared with 4.5% in 2011).
  • Almost all Sandwell households reported that they had central heating in 2021 (98.2%); of these, 0.3% used at least one renewable energy source (compared with 0.9% in England & Wales).
  • In 2021, 29.2% (38,090) of Sandwell households had no cars or vans (down from 33.9%, 41,200 in 2011). This compares with 23.3% in England & Wales in 2021.